團購: 美國小鎮只賣78萬抵到爛
40萬平方呎 僅一居民
鎮上昔日曾有近二千名居民,但自鐵路改道後居民陸續遷出。六十一歲鎮長薩蒙斯(Don Sammons),與家人於八○年從加州搬來落地生根,其後買下小鎮。妻兒相繼去世及搬走後,他成為鎮上唯一居民。他上周把小鎮放上網拍賣,希望這個有百多年歷史的小鎮能夠延續下去。
Buford City in Wyoming state for sale.
City of Buford, where only one man in Wyoming put up for auction. The only resident and self-proclaimed mayor of the town Semmons Don decided to move home and put agriculture at the auction. Bidding is scheduled for April 5, 2012, the starting price of the lot - 100 thousand U.S. dollars. Semmons years in Buford called "perfect time" for themselves and their families, but said that his family had moved to other places, and he himself will soon have to retire.
Buford, located between the cities of Cheyenne and Laramie, was founded in the late 19th century, during the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. At the moment of greatest population lived in it for about two thousand railroad workers and their families, who later changed their place of residence as well as the construction of highways gradually progressed to the west.
In the management Semmonsa, who settled in Buford in 1980, are a gas station and convenience store. Outlet Semmons bought in 1992. In addition, the city has office U.S. mail, and cellular communications tower management, which also brings Semmonsu income.
Buford is also a potential buyer will have at its disposal about 10 acres of land, parking and five buildings, including a house with three bedrooms and a school building, built in 1905. Buford - not a single settlement in the United States, where only one person. For example, in Nebraska is the village Monowi, the only person who is Elsie Eiler, whose husband died in 2004. Mrs. Eiler, like Don Semmons, declared himself mayor - she is the owner of a license to sell alcohol, and pays taxes in the township treasury.
Source : Wyoming News.com